Thursday, April 22, 2004

How to Invest Better: Reading Price Charts with Skill
Author:Alpesh B. Patel

This CD-ROM set of 3 CDs is part of the Alpesh Patel 'How to Invest Better' Audio-Visual CD-ROM series.
Alpesh Patel, called by Channel 4, 'the UK's best known internet trader', reveals his secrets to buying, selling and timing. You will get to see exactly what Alpesh's sees on his screen. By recordingdown to keystroke level you get to follow things at a detail never before available. Hours of informative colour slides, dozens of screens and video recording with actual trading charts and bullet point lessons for easier learning.

How to Read a Financial Report
Author:John A Tracy;

Lurking somewhere amidst all the figures in a financial report is vitally important information about where a company has been and where it is headed. But without a guide to isolate and interpret those numbers, the dizzying array of columns and rows doesn't add up to a hill of beans. That's why thousands of professionals and savvy individuals have referred to this bestselling resource that shows anyone how to make sense of all those numbers. Updated throughout, this edition features new information on tax reform, depreciation methods, spotting fraudulent reporting, and recent FASB rulings. Also, all exhibits have been made easier to follow.

The Standard & Poors Guide to Measuring and Managing Credit Risk
Author:Arnaud De Servigny; Olivier Renault

Today's most complete, up-to-date reference for controlling credit risk exposure of all types, in every environment

Measuring and Managing Credit Risk takes you far beyond the Basel guidelines to detail a powerful, proven program for understanding and controlling your firm's credit risk. Providing hands-on answers on practical topics from capital management to correlations, and supporting its theories with up-to-the-minute data and insights, this authoritative book examines every key aspect of credit risk.

Taxation in France 2004
Author:Charles Parkinson;

Written from the point of view of the non-French person considering an investment in, or a move to France, this book is an analytical guide to the main French taxes.The principal features of each tax are described in sufficient detail to give the reader an understanding of the scope and scale of the charges levied. In the third part of the book a series of chapters written on a topical basis bring together the tax consequences of commercial and industrial investment in France, purchase of a second home in France and retirement in France among other subjects.

An Introduction to Management Accounting
Author:Charles Horngren;Gary L. Sunden;William O. Stratton;

Using an open, attractive, four-color design and user-friendly writing style, this best-selling volume offers a relevant, real-world approach to management accounting theory, terminology, and procedures. Readers develop a solid understanding of costs and cost behavior and the use of cost information for planning and control decisions.