Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lay, Back and Think of Winning
Author:Nigel Paul

- Nigel Paul retired early from position of CEO of one of our national TV networks.
- He now makes a more comfortable living trading on the betting exchange.
- The book GUARANTEES readers will be winners.
- When word gets out, everyone will buy the book, won't they?
- This will be the first book to explain betting exchange oportunities.
- Betting volume is forecast to grow three-fold in the next five years.
- The system has been tested long and hard, day and night!
- The system works.

The Democratic Enterprise
Author:Lynda Gratton

Smart people want a more grown-up relationship with their employers these days. And most businesses too, realize that they can get more from people with more flexible and intelligent working relationships.

So imagine a company where people have more freedom in how, where and when they work. Where they have more personal choice in their work, but also share more committment with their colleagues to a bigger purpose.

This text shows you how to use some of the basic principles of democracy to build organizations of which we can be proud. At an operational level it is a book about choice, about the choice individuals make and the latitude of discretion created within organizations to support these choices.

The book examines eight companies pioneered choice and democracy and shows how companies like BP, McKinsey, Unisys and Goldman Sachs and strengthening employee engagement and collaboration by developing working relationships and working practices based on choice - by supporting the freedom they have. It is a blueprint for a business based on choice and committment.

Day Trading E-Mini S&P Futures DVD
Author:Malcolm Robinson;

The "Day Trading E-Mini S&P Futures" DVD presents a trading strategy based on timeless and powerful market principles that captures explosive, short term, intraday moves.

• Learn how to scalp the market with a counter-trend technique that offers multiple intraday trading opportunities.
• Discover how to read volume and use it to anticipate turning points in the market.
• The DVD assumes a basic understanding of the Futures Markets and the various market orders.