Financial Management Manual: Book and CD ROM
Author:Christopher Mansell
Today's hard-pressed finance professional will welcome Financial Management Manual. It will be particularly useful to those in small and medium-sized businesses, where company restructuring, a more complex and urgent business environment and greater regulation mean that the finance professional must get involved in the whole range of management tasks from functional responsibilities such as taxation, insurance and treasury management, to employment and business law.
A reliable and practical information resource, Financial Management Manual is designed to solve your financial and general management problems. Its focus is on good business practice, with a strong emphasis on practical application to the problems of the day, rather than theory.
Subscribe to Financial Management Manual and you will gain detailed guidance on issues that affect your success at work. It brings diverse, wide-ranging, reliable advice into one convenient information source that is regularly updated to ensure that you will always have accurate information at your fingertips.
Financial Management Manual gives you the opportunity to learn quickly from the hard-won experience of senior accountants, consultants and lawyers. It will help you to build confidence in areas as diverse as information technology, strategic planning and pensions, and to cope efficiently with problems outside your recognised training, without the need to call in expensive advisers.
- A subscription includes a two-volume loose-leaf plus two updating supplements, CD-ROM, Online, Business Support Helpline and monthly newsletter, fd newsletter. Subscription renewal includes the subsequent four updating supplements and 12 newsletter issues.
Filled with many practical examples and tried-and-tested checklists, this indispensable, daily reference work will help you to tackle both your immediate and longer-term financial and general management questions.
Hedge Fund Masters
Author:Ari Kiev
The psychological strategies that hedge fund traders use to maximize their success
Ari Kiev interviewed over 80 hedge fund traders, including some of the most successful hedge fund operators in the world, to exemplify and drive home the principles of trading success. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Hedge Fund Masters explores the psychological pressures felt by professional hedge fund traders as they manage enormous sums of their clients' money. Kiev shows traders how to maintain emotional balance, focus on targets and goals, overcome deep-seated psychological obstacles, and trade with consistency and discipline.
Shipping Finance Annual 2005/2006
Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits
Author:Richard Schabacker;
Richard W. Schabacker's great work, Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits, is a worthy addition to any technical analyst's personal library or any market library. His "pioneering research" represents one of the finest works ever produced on technical analysis, and this book remains an example of the highest order of analytical quality and incisive trading wisdom.
Originally devised as a practical course for investors, it is as alive, vital and instructional today as the day it was written. It paved the way for Robert Edwards and John Magee's best-selling Technical Analysis of Stock Trends - a debt which is acknowledged in their foreword: 'Part One is based in large part on the pioneer researches and writings of the late Richard Schabacker.'
Schabacker presents technical analysis as a totally organized subject and comprehensively lays out the various important patterns, formations, trends, support and resistance areas, and associated supporting technical detail. He presents factors that can be confidently relied on, and gives equal attention to the blemishes and weaknesses that can upset the best of analytical forecasts. Factors which investors would do well to absorb and apply when undertaking the fascinating game of price, time and volume analysis.
Stock Cycles
Author:Michael Alexander
Stock Cycles describes secular trends in the stock market. These are lengthy (10-20 year) periods of generally rising prices (secular bull markets) and flat or even falling prices (secular bear markets). Together a pair of these trends constitute one stock cycle. Investors have all been told that on average stocks return about 10%. This is true, the total return over one cycle is about 10%, but most of this return occurs in the bull portion of the cycle. The bull portion typically gives an average 16% return, leaving only a 4% average return for the bear portion of the cycle. Stock Cycles was written in early 2000, and at that time, argued that the secular bull market begun in 1982 would likely end in 2000, after which a secular bear market would begin which would last at least until 2010 and probably much longer.
A novel valuation methodology called P/R is introduced to trace the progress of the cycle, and which is used to make total return projections for five, ten and twenty year periods beginning in 2000. An explanation for the cause of the cycle is advanced that makes use of an underlying economic cycle called the Kondratiev cycle. Evidence for the existence of the Kondratiev cycle is presented which when combined with the separate stock cycle presents a convincing case for the operation of a cyclical economic process that affects stock market returns. This process today has an approximate period of 36 years and appears to be still operative.
Author:Christopher Mansell
Today's hard-pressed finance professional will welcome Financial Management Manual. It will be particularly useful to those in small and medium-sized businesses, where company restructuring, a more complex and urgent business environment and greater regulation mean that the finance professional must get involved in the whole range of management tasks from functional responsibilities such as taxation, insurance and treasury management, to employment and business law.
A reliable and practical information resource, Financial Management Manual is designed to solve your financial and general management problems. Its focus is on good business practice, with a strong emphasis on practical application to the problems of the day, rather than theory.
Subscribe to Financial Management Manual and you will gain detailed guidance on issues that affect your success at work. It brings diverse, wide-ranging, reliable advice into one convenient information source that is regularly updated to ensure that you will always have accurate information at your fingertips.
Financial Management Manual gives you the opportunity to learn quickly from the hard-won experience of senior accountants, consultants and lawyers. It will help you to build confidence in areas as diverse as information technology, strategic planning and pensions, and to cope efficiently with problems outside your recognised training, without the need to call in expensive advisers.
- A subscription includes a two-volume loose-leaf plus two updating supplements, CD-ROM, Online, Business Support Helpline and monthly newsletter, fd newsletter. Subscription renewal includes the subsequent four updating supplements and 12 newsletter issues.
Filled with many practical examples and tried-and-tested checklists, this indispensable, daily reference work will help you to tackle both your immediate and longer-term financial and general management questions.
Hedge Fund Masters
Author:Ari Kiev
The psychological strategies that hedge fund traders use to maximize their success
Ari Kiev interviewed over 80 hedge fund traders, including some of the most successful hedge fund operators in the world, to exemplify and drive home the principles of trading success. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Hedge Fund Masters explores the psychological pressures felt by professional hedge fund traders as they manage enormous sums of their clients' money. Kiev shows traders how to maintain emotional balance, focus on targets and goals, overcome deep-seated psychological obstacles, and trade with consistency and discipline.
Shipping Finance Annual 2005/2006
Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits
Author:Richard Schabacker;
Richard W. Schabacker's great work, Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits, is a worthy addition to any technical analyst's personal library or any market library. His "pioneering research" represents one of the finest works ever produced on technical analysis, and this book remains an example of the highest order of analytical quality and incisive trading wisdom.
Originally devised as a practical course for investors, it is as alive, vital and instructional today as the day it was written. It paved the way for Robert Edwards and John Magee's best-selling Technical Analysis of Stock Trends - a debt which is acknowledged in their foreword: 'Part One is based in large part on the pioneer researches and writings of the late Richard Schabacker.'
Schabacker presents technical analysis as a totally organized subject and comprehensively lays out the various important patterns, formations, trends, support and resistance areas, and associated supporting technical detail. He presents factors that can be confidently relied on, and gives equal attention to the blemishes and weaknesses that can upset the best of analytical forecasts. Factors which investors would do well to absorb and apply when undertaking the fascinating game of price, time and volume analysis.
Stock Cycles
Author:Michael Alexander
Stock Cycles describes secular trends in the stock market. These are lengthy (10-20 year) periods of generally rising prices (secular bull markets) and flat or even falling prices (secular bear markets). Together a pair of these trends constitute one stock cycle. Investors have all been told that on average stocks return about 10%. This is true, the total return over one cycle is about 10%, but most of this return occurs in the bull portion of the cycle. The bull portion typically gives an average 16% return, leaving only a 4% average return for the bear portion of the cycle. Stock Cycles was written in early 2000, and at that time, argued that the secular bull market begun in 1982 would likely end in 2000, after which a secular bear market would begin which would last at least until 2010 and probably much longer.
A novel valuation methodology called P/R is introduced to trace the progress of the cycle, and which is used to make total return projections for five, ten and twenty year periods beginning in 2000. An explanation for the cause of the cycle is advanced that makes use of an underlying economic cycle called the Kondratiev cycle. Evidence for the existence of the Kondratiev cycle is presented which when combined with the separate stock cycle presents a convincing case for the operation of a cyclical economic process that affects stock market returns. This process today has an approximate period of 36 years and appears to be still operative.