Teach Yourself French Conversation
Author:Jean-Claude Arragon
This stand-alone, all-audio course is perfect for those who have little or no knowledge of the language and are wanting to learn or brush up basic conversation skills. The course comes on two 75-minute CDs and has an accompanying 48-page booklet which gives the dialogues and the translation to the dialogues, for those who like to see the wriiten word or want additional practice. The ten units or 'conversations' cover the situations you are most likely to find yourself in while on holiday or abroard. The vocabulary is kept to the basics and is introduced gradually, with lots of opportunity to repeat and practise, to improve your confidence in both speaking and understanding.
Hybrid Products
Author:Alexander Batchvarov
Exploring the wide and innovative world of Hybrid Products, this up-to-date examination breaks down the traditional barriers and notions to aid the design, pricing and understanding of these tailored products.
- Covers the spectrum of hybrid investments, from equity-linked notes to volatility products and structured hedge fund investments
- Illustrates the applications of such products and possible investment strategies under specific market conditions and/or investor objectives
- Merges theory and practice into an understandable whole with the inclusion of case studies and practical examples that can be utilised into your work
- Provides both background and advanced reading on the concepts and products as well the maths that underpins them
- Enables the reader to understand the esoteric nature of volatility and the trading of realised and implied volatility, illustrated through a variety of products - including OTC variance swaps, options on realised variance and the listed VIX
- Presents analysis of credit default swaps and equity default swap correlation and associated products
- Addresses the challenges hybrid products pose to the risk management and information technology systems of an organisation that is structuring, hedging or investing in such products. Topics include position reporting and analysis, position valuation and understanding how changes occur with constantly evolving market conditions
- Alexander Batchvarov is an investment banker who has been at the forefront of innovation in this field over recent years and has assembled a team of equally well-qualified contributors
Net Words
Author:Nick Usborne
A guide to creating copy that connects with customersand makes the sale
Advertising and promotion professionals have long known that, while bells and whistles may grab a customer's attention, words make the sale. Yet, nearly a decade into the Web revolution, E-commerce professionals are just now waking up to the fact that the usual high-tech, graphics-heavy approach to site design is bad for business.
Net Words explores the reasons why and makes a strong case for a revolutionary new approach to copywriting tailored to the unique demands of a powerful new medium. With the help of dozens of examples of successful and unsuccessful on-line writing, author Nick Usborne shows readers how to harness the power of the written word for the Web. Readers learn how to imbue a business with a distinctive on-line "voice" and use it to forge lasting bonds with customers, increase market share, and close sales.
IFRS Model Financial Statements
Author:David Chitty
From1 January 2005 listed companies in Europe will have to adopt International financial Reporting Standards. Following a consultation exercise by the DTI it was established that all other companies may wish to use IAS. Also, as it may become a mandatory requirement of the future.
IFRS Model Financial Statements present sample model accounts using the international full set of latest standards with explanatory notes and commentary to provide a thorough insight into how your accounts should be adapted to suit.
Illustrative financial statements include accounting policies, management review of the businesses and accompanying notes setting out the authoritative IAS source for the relevant disclosure.
The main focus is on the practical application of the standards helping you to improve your understanding of IFRS and how they should be presented. This book presents a unique and new approach, using the most practical possible methods to explain the new mode of reporting.
Content includes:
- Model Financial Statements on an imaginary trading and manufacturing business
- Accounting policies and management review of the business
- Full text of IFRS1 First time application of International Financial Reporting Standards
- Disclosure Checklist to ensure all relevant IAS disclosures are included in the preparation of your financial statement.
- Also available online
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management
Author:Cary L Cooper; Chris Argyris; William Starbuck
The second edition of this flagship business and management reference work is divided into 12 individual subject volumes and an index and includes a brand new volume on Entrepreneurship:
- Comprises over 6500 specially commissioned and carefully edited entries
- Written and edited by international teams of over 1500 of the world's best scholars and teachers
- Features extended bibliographies of relevant, wider, international literature and the foremost global scholarship in each field
- Flexible, multi-level use, maintained and further extended by sophisticated cross-referencing both among individual encyclopedia entries and between volumes and external sources
- Available online, for the first time, via the EBSCO database and linked to wider literature and to an associated Blackwell Library Online, consisting of a selection of Blackwell Handbooks and Journals in the field.
Author:Jean-Claude Arragon
This stand-alone, all-audio course is perfect for those who have little or no knowledge of the language and are wanting to learn or brush up basic conversation skills. The course comes on two 75-minute CDs and has an accompanying 48-page booklet which gives the dialogues and the translation to the dialogues, for those who like to see the wriiten word or want additional practice. The ten units or 'conversations' cover the situations you are most likely to find yourself in while on holiday or abroard. The vocabulary is kept to the basics and is introduced gradually, with lots of opportunity to repeat and practise, to improve your confidence in both speaking and understanding.
Hybrid Products
Author:Alexander Batchvarov
Exploring the wide and innovative world of Hybrid Products, this up-to-date examination breaks down the traditional barriers and notions to aid the design, pricing and understanding of these tailored products.
- Covers the spectrum of hybrid investments, from equity-linked notes to volatility products and structured hedge fund investments
- Illustrates the applications of such products and possible investment strategies under specific market conditions and/or investor objectives
- Merges theory and practice into an understandable whole with the inclusion of case studies and practical examples that can be utilised into your work
- Provides both background and advanced reading on the concepts and products as well the maths that underpins them
- Enables the reader to understand the esoteric nature of volatility and the trading of realised and implied volatility, illustrated through a variety of products - including OTC variance swaps, options on realised variance and the listed VIX
- Presents analysis of credit default swaps and equity default swap correlation and associated products
- Addresses the challenges hybrid products pose to the risk management and information technology systems of an organisation that is structuring, hedging or investing in such products. Topics include position reporting and analysis, position valuation and understanding how changes occur with constantly evolving market conditions
- Alexander Batchvarov is an investment banker who has been at the forefront of innovation in this field over recent years and has assembled a team of equally well-qualified contributors
Net Words
Author:Nick Usborne
A guide to creating copy that connects with customersand makes the sale
Advertising and promotion professionals have long known that, while bells and whistles may grab a customer's attention, words make the sale. Yet, nearly a decade into the Web revolution, E-commerce professionals are just now waking up to the fact that the usual high-tech, graphics-heavy approach to site design is bad for business.
Net Words explores the reasons why and makes a strong case for a revolutionary new approach to copywriting tailored to the unique demands of a powerful new medium. With the help of dozens of examples of successful and unsuccessful on-line writing, author Nick Usborne shows readers how to harness the power of the written word for the Web. Readers learn how to imbue a business with a distinctive on-line "voice" and use it to forge lasting bonds with customers, increase market share, and close sales.
IFRS Model Financial Statements
Author:David Chitty
From1 January 2005 listed companies in Europe will have to adopt International financial Reporting Standards. Following a consultation exercise by the DTI it was established that all other companies may wish to use IAS. Also, as it may become a mandatory requirement of the future.
IFRS Model Financial Statements present sample model accounts using the international full set of latest standards with explanatory notes and commentary to provide a thorough insight into how your accounts should be adapted to suit.
Illustrative financial statements include accounting policies, management review of the businesses and accompanying notes setting out the authoritative IAS source for the relevant disclosure.
The main focus is on the practical application of the standards helping you to improve your understanding of IFRS and how they should be presented. This book presents a unique and new approach, using the most practical possible methods to explain the new mode of reporting.
Content includes:
- Model Financial Statements on an imaginary trading and manufacturing business
- Accounting policies and management review of the business
- Full text of IFRS1 First time application of International Financial Reporting Standards
- Disclosure Checklist to ensure all relevant IAS disclosures are included in the preparation of your financial statement.
- Also available online
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management
Author:Cary L Cooper; Chris Argyris; William Starbuck
The second edition of this flagship business and management reference work is divided into 12 individual subject volumes and an index and includes a brand new volume on Entrepreneurship:
- Comprises over 6500 specially commissioned and carefully edited entries
- Written and edited by international teams of over 1500 of the world's best scholars and teachers
- Features extended bibliographies of relevant, wider, international literature and the foremost global scholarship in each field
- Flexible, multi-level use, maintained and further extended by sophisticated cross-referencing both among individual encyclopedia entries and between volumes and external sources
- Available online, for the first time, via the EBSCO database and linked to wider literature and to an associated Blackwell Library Online, consisting of a selection of Blackwell Handbooks and Journals in the field.