Thursday, April 28, 2005

A French Companion
Author:Helen Caradon

A Handbook for English Speakers Travelling and Living in France [Helen Caradon] Are you planning to move to France, or have you just done so? Would you like some help with understanding what's going on, with finding a place to stay or to buy, with choosing a reliable builder, with changing the gas bottle, with meeting and talking to French people in the language they actually speak? This handbook has been written specially for people who travel to France regularly, and for those who are planning to move here or have recently done so.

It's packed with inside information and tips on lots of practical matters, PLUS vocabulary lists and model conversations in real everyday French for situations you are likely to find yourself in.

Just a few of the topics covered: polite greetings, asking for help and directions; local shopping, using a French bank account; staying safe on the roads, getting your car fixed; inviting and visiting French friends, talking about the family; making the most of the phone and post systems; describing a malaise to the doctor, getting proper health care; choosing and renovating a property, avoiding potential pitfalls; dealing with officialdom and understanding officialese; planning and managing a garden in a warmer climate.

Above all "A French Companion" is designed to add to the pleasures of living in this weird and wonderful country, and to pass on the insights and tips that will help those who come here, either as visitors or for the longer term, to enjoy and to become part of the local scene.
How to Create a Jardin Paysan
Author:Louise Ranck

This is a book about creating a traditional, rural French-style garden which will have a timeless charm. It's an antidote to the garden makeover, to suburban style manicured lawns, or ranch fencing and tarmac driveways, and should help to avoid the costly mistake of a beautifully restored house sitting in an garden that looks more like a business park somewhere off the M25.

It's about organic gardens, it's about creating natural habitats for birds and insects, and making the garden a seamless link between your house and the natural world of the French countryside on the other side of your garden fence. It includes some old techniques that have been passed on from one generation to another, but which work, and which will help you look at gardening in a new way.

It's not so much a manual of gardening, as a guide to help you to tame nature (but only slightly) to create something of abundance and beauty around a home in France – or even in the UK.

The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century
Author:Robert J. Shiller

In his best-selling Irrational Exuberance, Robert Shiller cautioned that society's obsession with the stock market was fueling the volatility that has since made a roller coaster of the financial system. Less noted was Shiller's admonition that our infatuation with the stock market distracts us from more durable economic prospects. These lie in the hidden potential of real assets, such as income from our livelihoods and homes. But these ''ordinary riches,'' so fundamental to our well-being, are increasingly exposed to the pervasive risks of a rapidly changing global economy. This compelling and important new book presents a fresh vision for hedging risk and securing our economic future.

Shiller describes six fundamental ideas for using modern information technology and advanced financial theory to temper basic risks that have been ignored by risk management institutions--risks to the value of our jobs and our homes, to the vitality of our communities, and to the very stability of national economies. Informed by a comprehensive risk information database, this new financial order would include global markets for trading risks and exploiting myriad new financial opportunities, from inequality insurance to intergenerational social security. Just as developments in insuring risks to life, health, and catastrophe have given us a quality of life unimaginable a century ago, so Shiller's plan for securing crucial assets promises to substantially enrich our condition.

Once again providing an enormous service, Shiller gives us a powerful means to convert our ordinary riches into a level of economic security, equity, and growth never before seen. And once again, what Robert Shiller says should be read and heeded by anyone with a stake in the economy.
The World's Clearing Houses
(Single User CD Licence: CD ROM 2-year electronic subscription - includes initial CD plus 3 electronic updates at 6-monthly intervals.)

Along with our sponsor PricewaterhouseCoopers, FOW bring you the new 2004 edition of The World's Clearing Houses. Launched in 1993, The World's Clearing Houses covers vital developments such as: exchange mergers and global alliances, the role of derivatives clearing houses in OTC clearing, and the increasing trend for the same organisation to be responsible for both securities and derivatives clearing operations.

Our focus continues to be on the role and procedures or organisations, which act as the central counterparty for securities, derivatives or OTC transactions.

Irrational Exuberance
Author:Robert J. Shiller

In this timely and prescient update of his celebrated 2000 bestseller Irrational Exuberance, Robert J. Shiller returns to the topic that gained him international fame: market volatility. Shiller breaks new ground in this second edition by laying out in even clearer and starker terms the market excesses that continue to destabilize the economy and disrupt our lives.

Having predicted the stock market collapse that began just one month after the first edition was published, he now expands the book to cover other markets that have become volatile, particularly the recently red-hot housing market. He includes a full chapter on domestic and international housing prices in historical perspective.

Shiller amasses impressive evidence to support his argument that the recent housing market boom bears many similarities to the stock market bubble of the late 1990s, and may eventually be followed by declining home prices for years to come. After stocks plummeted when the bubble burst in 2000, investors moved their money into housing. This precipitated the inflated real estate prices not only in America, but around the world, Shiller maintains. Hence, irrational exuberance did not disappear-it merely reappeared in other settings.

Building on the original edition, Shiller draws out the psychological origins of volatility in financial markets, this time folding real estate into his analysis. He broadens the evidence that investing in capital markets of all kinds in the modern free-market economy is inherently unstable-subject to the profoundly human influences captured in Alan Greenspan's now-famous phrase, "irrational exuberance."

The ultimate solution to this troubling condition, he maintains, would involve better-designed public institutions such as a revamped social security system, new forms of insurance to protect people's incomes and homes, and a broader array of investment options. As was true of its predecessor, the second edition of Irrational Exuberance is destined to be widely read, discussed, and debated.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Becoming Rich
Author:Mark Tier
"Peter Lynch, who produced an annual return of 29 percent during the years he ran the Fidelity Magellan Fund; legendary investors such as Bernard Baruch, Sir John Templeton, and Philip Fisher; and every one of dozens of other highly successful investors (and commodity traders) I've studied and worked with, all practice exactly the same mental habits as Buffet, Icahn, and Soros, without exception."

Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and George Soros all started with nothing - and made billion-dollar fortunes solely by investing. But their investment strategies are so widely divergent, what could they possibly have in common?

As Mark Tier demonstrates in this insightful book, the secrets that made Buffet, Icahn, and Soros the world's three richest investors are the same mental habits and strategies they all practice religiously. However, these are mental habits and strategies that fly in the face of Wall Street's conventional mindset.

In Becoming Rich you can discover how the mental habits that guided your last investment decision stack up against those of Buffett, Icahn, and Soros. Then learn exactly how you can apply the wealth-building secrets of the world's richest investors to transform your own investment results.

Fast Track To Financial Independence(E-Book)
Author:Stephen Sutherland;Paul Sutherland

It's a shocking fact that only 5% of the population make it to financial independence. The reason is simply lack of education. Think about it. Nobody teaches us how money really works so how are we supposed to master it when we haven't be taught how?

Success is no accident. Financially successful people do certain things that financially unsuccessful people don’t do. This isn’t rocket science. If you want to be rich, the key is to simply learn about money from the 5% of people who are winning.

What you will learn:
- Foundations of wealth creation
- How to completely reorganise your personal finances
- Clear debt quickly, boost your earning power and quickly develop key saving and investing habits that will help you retire rich and happy.
- How to create your own plan that has specific yearly targets to check off each year to ensure that you are on track to hit your goal.
- How to profit in the stock market
- A powerful wealth building strategy that will help you to get from where you are now to financial independence in the future

Gabay's Copywriting Compendium
Author:Jonathan Gabay

Marketers, creative writers, and individuals for whom copywriting forms part of their job are often required to produce innovative and engaging copy in a short space of time. Creativity is not always to hand, and therefore on some occasions additional help is required to find the right phrase, description or slogan. Gabay's Copywriting Compendium contains a wealth of inspiring tips, ideas and descriptions to aid the writing process, such as advice on spelling and grammar, examples of rhyming words, suggested euphemisms, and odd facts. The compendium goes on to provide a "Top 25 Rules" section for a number of key topics, such as how to brainstorm, how to write innovative copy, and how to think creatively. The text has been carefully designed to ensure the material can be accessed quickly and easily, and the easy to read layout will assist copywriters in finding appropriate help at any particular moment.

The New Global Regulatory Landscape
Author:Ross McGill; Terence Sheppey

The New Global Regulatory Landscape provides a benchmark tool for financial intermediaries and Institutional Investors. Covering 24 international regulations across the UK, Europe, Asia/Pacific and the USA, the authors provide practical compliance tips for financial intermediaries and guidance on best practice for investors. The book highlights eight areas of critical overlap where regulatory requirements conflict and give rise to potential risk and liability. The authors use the historical perspective of some regulations to paint a picture of the future convergence of international regulation on data protection, corporate governance and tax.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Trolley Wars
Author:Judi Bevan
The story of the ferocious battle for supremacy of the four main supermarket chains in Britain - Sainsbury, Tesco, Safeway and Asda. There are dynasties in decline, upstarts coming of age and those who struggle by the wayside.

The story of how Tesco came from brash beginnings to challenge and finally overtake the patrician Sainsbury as the market leader in 1995 stunned the retailing world, and raised the curtain on the dramatic rise of supermarket chains in the second half of the 20th century.

Behind the bare statistics of roller coaster profits and changing market shares lies a deeper tale of social change, increasing power and clashes with Government and pressure groups. The huge buying power of the supermarket chains, and the growth of edge of town shopping with vast car parking, has destroyed many small high streets along with traditional butchers, fishmongers and greengrocers. Yet their growth has been fuelled by the increase in the numbers of working women who no longer have the time or inclination to shop by foot at small outlets. The result is a love/hate relationship with their customers.

The fever of competition engendered by the heads of these companies cannot be underestimated. This book goes behind the checkout till and into the boardroom to discover the true story and show what will happen next.
The Government and Politics of the European Union
Author:Neill Nugent;

This new edition of Neill Nugent's widely-used and much-praised book on the European Union has been systematically revised and updated throughout. Amongst new material is a chapter on the Treaty of Nice and more extensive coverage of enlargement as well as analyses of changing and developing policy areas such as the Cotonou Agreement, the Lisbon process, and security and defence.
Lectures on Macroeconomics
Author:Stanley Fischer; Olivier J. Blanchard

Lectures on Macroeconomics provides the first comprehensive description and evaluation of macroeconomic theory in many years. While the authors' perspective is broad, they clearly state their assessment of what is important and what is not as they present the essence of macroeconomic theory today.

The main purpose of Lectures on Macroeconomics is to characterize and explain fluctuations in output, unemployment and movement in prices. The most important fact of modern economic history is persistent long term growth, but as the book makes clear, this growth is far from steady. The authors analyze and explore these fluctuations.

Topics include consumption and investment; the Overlapping Generations Model; money; multiple equilibria, bubbles, and stability; the role of nominal rigidities; competitive equilibrium business cycles, nominal rigidities and economic fluctuations, goods, labor and credit markets; and monetary and fiscal policy issues. Each of chapters 2 through 9 discusses models appropriate to the topic. Chapter 10 then draws on the previous chapters, asks which models are the workhorses of macroeconomics, and sets the models out in convenient form. A concluding chapter analyzes the goals of economic policy, monetary policy, fiscal policy, and dynamic inconsistency.

Written as a text for graduate students with some background in macroeconomics, statistics, and econometrics, Lectures on Macroeconomics also presents topics in a self contained way that makes it a suitable reference for professional economists.